Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Trip breakdown: Hiroshima, Kure

                                                        Kure, Japan (train station)
June 21-25th:

Traveling from Gotsu, we arrived in Kure, a small part of Hiroshima, Thursday (21st) afternoon. We were met at the train station by Marcio and Saiyumi and their two kids, Isabella and Gustavo. Gustavo (about 5yrs) really attached to Jenna last summer and was really excited to see her. It was super cute to see the van door fling open and Gustavo leaping out to hug Jenna! He was so excited!

         Gustavo's first sight of Jenna         Traditional 'up the stairs' picture traveling to Kure

That evening we divided between the different host homes depending on how many of us they were able to host and those of us who knew Spanish. I was able to again stay with the Noguchi family. I had stayed with them two years ago when they hosted Kimberly Zehr and me. They are such and awesome family! Their daughters Gabriella (4yr) and Linda (3yr) were so much fun to see again as they had grown so much. There was also a new addition: David (1yr4mo). He was so cute. It was really fun and challenging to stay with them this time because I was the only one they were hosting and their family only speaks Spanish/Portuguese/Japanese and I speak only a little Spanish and very little Japanese. Even though it was difficult I was able to have many good conversations with Yuri (the mom), learning about her family both in Japan and Peru. I was able to ask Gabriella how to say things in Portugese and even talked to her some in Japanese because I couldn't remember the phrase in English. Several times she would 'correct' me on how I was saying something. =) It was really cute. I also got to play with the little girls a lot. We played 'cocina' (kitchen) in their little play house, dress up, puzzle books, and much more. Ronaldo (the dad) was so kind to drive me to and from the church everyday, ending up being a 45min drive for him for just one trip on his way to work. On our drives it was neat to hear his past life in Brazil and how he came to know Jesus. I love this family!!! They are such a kind and caring family. Yuri is an excellent cook and even made one of her famous cakes just so I could taste it. =)

                                  Little David                   Gabriella, me, & Linda in their playhouse

                                          The sweet Noguchi family (lt-rt: David, Ronaldo,
                                               Gabriella, Linda, Yuri)

On Friday (22nd) we were able to have some rehearsals as this was the first time Natalie was joining us. She had been in Hiroshima from the beginning of our time in Japan. In the evening, all of the host families gathered together and took us out to eat.
                     Quick rest during rehearsal                     Abi/Josh during rehearsal
  Jenna after rehearsal             The two flights of stairs to the room where we rehearsed
         Jenna & Natalie (best friends for a long time!)             Eating Dinner
                     Linda & Gabriella                                  Mrs. Kawase & Saiyumi
                                             Saiyumi, the cute baby, and me =)

Saturday (23rd) was pretty much the same schedule as Friday with rehearsals in the morning and then we got to do a little omyiagi (gift) shopping while the boys went to see a submarine museum. That evening the Kawases shared at the Portuguese church service about marriage and family. It was a really comfortable familiy type gathering with funny stories being shared by parents and children alike as well as practical 'do's' and 'don't's' being given. That evening after the church service we had a birthday party for Marcio & Saiyumi's daughter Isabella. It was really fun to spend time with all the host families and experience more of their culture. =)

 Worship and prayer before rehearsal on Saturday         We get a little crazy after rehearsal!        
                      Goofing off after rehearsal waiting for our ride. There were boxing gloves so Kenon was teaching us how to 'punch'
         "Everyone look off into the distance!"                     Isabella & Abi
                 Shopping at the 'You Me' store and the submarine museum
    The Portuguese church service Saturday night             Me, Gabriella, & Linda
  The Portuguese church               The Kawase family sharing about family/marriage
                  Natalie, me, & Gabriella             Dinner for Isabella's birthday (so yummy!!!!)
     A couple from the Portuguese church                  One of our host families
Natalie and the Noguchi family                  Enjoying the company of our Portuguese friends!
Tiny Japanese houses don't stop the big        You never know what face I'm going to make
Portuguese family gatherings!                                 at the camera
                                                       Gustavo & Kenon tickle-wrestling

On Sunday we went to the Japanese church that the Portuguese church hosts and Dr. Kawase preached again. During our quick lunch we passed out flyers for the performance that afternoon. Leaving the the town square we went to hotel that we were using for the Portuguese performance. The performance was for the church but it was also for local passerby's who happened to come into the service. The church's worship band played a couple of songs, the kids from the church sang and danced a little bit, a Hawaiian hula group performed, and we danced. It was a lot of fun to be able to all worship Jesus through different expressions. That evening we all spent the night in Marcio & Saiyumi's house because we were leaving so early the next morning on trains heading for Tokyo (Narita aiport) with a few stops on the way.

     The Noguchi family (Ronaldo's twin brother)        Dr. Kawase preaching in Japanese!

   Some of the Japanese church members        Some cute kids (Gabriella in middle)

                               The hula dancers                              One of our pieces

Hiroshima was really fun and refreshing to be among our friends in the Brazilian church. It was hard to say goodbye to this community because we have grown to love them so much! Their were so many wonderful families we got to see again; they are all dear to our hearts! It was so good also to see Marcio and his wife Saiyumi again as well as many of the other families. They were such a blessing to us as they drove us to rehearsals, church, performances, shopping, laundry, and much more!

      A view from one of our host homes          All the bikes at the train station (it's so safe,
                                                                         none of them lock their bikes up!)
Fun praise report: when we were leaving Hiroshima, Jenna accidentally left her iPhone on the local train due to being so early in the morning and our brains not quite awake yet. We prayed that God would use this situation for his glory and knew that it was in his hands. We called Marcio and he was able to alert the lost and found. Turns out, they found the iPhone and Marcio was able to send it to Jenna in the USA! Our God cares even about the little things! ;)

 Kenon and Josh stayed with Marcio and Saiyumi. Apparently Kenon stayed in Isabella's room.....and took this black mail photo of himself. =) Just thought I'd share with everyone else! =)

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