Sunday, June 10, 2012

Leaving tomorrow!

I can't believe that I leave tomorrow!!! God has been so faithful to me in this journey!

First a couple of praise reports. I am excited to say that I am 100% funded! =) God has once again proved that he is faithful to provide for what he has called us to and that he cares about the little things. Thank you again for being obedient to his voice and following his lead whether that was to pray, provide financially, or both! Thank you!!!!

I am also happy to report that I'm back in Kansas City with all my luggage! =) That may seem like a strange report but it is an important one. My grandparents took my family on vacation to San Francisco this past week and we flew back today. We had been praying that I would make it back with plenty of time and have all my luggage. When we landed in KC, I knew that I would be back to the airport in 14 hours!

I will try to post updates about the trip as often as possible, but I'm not sure when and where I'll be able to have wifi. So, you should hear from me in about a week!

I am so excited to be traveling with such amazing people and ministering once again to the Asian peoples (plus New Zealand!). God has given me such an incredible opportunity! Our schedule has continued to fill up with more performances, workshops, and ministering opportunities. Please continue to pray for safety, energy and strength, and grace to serve.

Ways you can pray:
(I'm really exhausted from not sleeping enough and traveling, so the next couple of days will be trying physically on my body. Please pray for supernatural energy, alertness, and strength)

1) Pray for the hearts of the people we will be ministering to and with so that they will receive what God has for them this summer.
2) Pray for Dr. Kawase and Mrs. Kawase as they lead our team and work through all the logistics so that we can minister through our dancing.
3) Pray for us dancers to remain strong and healthy.
4) Pray for our team to be led by the Holy Spirit and actively following what he wants us to do.
5) Pray for safety as we travel and that all pieces of our luggage make it to our destinations.
6) Pray for anything and everything you can think of!  I want to be covered in prayer, as I know that it will make a HUGE difference on my trip.  Who cares if I'm thousands of miles away?!?  God sure doesn't!!  He'll still answer those prayers.

Thank you so much for being such an integral part of my life and blessing me beyond what you can think or imagine! I am so blessed! Next post from Japan! =)


  1. Everyone she is in the air!! Her plane just took off
    Thanks for praying mallory

  2. Mallory said that she had talked to you just as you were boarding in Houston for Japan. Now, on that long non-stop flight, you will have a long time to catch up on your sleep! Keep us updated with posts whenever you can. Our prayers go with you.
