Monday, June 25, 2012

Last few hours in Japan

So we board our plane for Taiwan in 3 hours! We have seen God do so many amazing things while we have been in Japan. The time in Hiroshima was really fun and refreshing to be among our friends in the Brazilian church. I was able to stay again with the Noguchi family. It was a real blessing to be with them again. They are such a caring and kind family. I had delicious meals, a wonderful time playing with their children (Gabriella-4, Linda-3, and David-1yr4mo), and trying to communicate through Spanish. Though it was difficult sometimes, I had a lot of good conversations with Yuri and learned about her family both in Japan and in Peru. She was so patient with me as I tried to communicate through my broken Spanish. Ronaldo was also so kind in driving me to and from the meetings and sharing with me his past life in Brazil and how he came to know Jesus.

It was so good also to see Marcio and his wife Saiyumi. They were such a blessing to us as they drove us to rehearsals, church, performances, shopping, laundry, and much more! It was a lot of fun spending time with their two kids, Isabella and Gustavo. Saying goodbye to this family was hard because we have grown to love them so much! Their were so many wonderful families we got to see again; they are all dear to our hearts!

Fun praise report: when we were leaving Hiroshima, Jenna accidentally left her iPhone on the local train due to being so early in the morning. We prayed that God would use this situation for his glory and knew that it was in his hands. We called Marcio and he was able to alert the lost and found. Turns out, they found the iPhone and Marcio is able to send it to us! Our God cares even about the little things! ;)

We traveled to Shin-Osaka and met with the Tomata family. They had been to the states and to IHOP-KC and had met with the Kawases so it was really fun to catch up with them over lunch. Then we traveled to Tokyo (Shina-gawa) and met with another Kawase friend (Keith Pratt) who is an international student studying in Tokyo. It was good to be able to hear his heart and pray over him. God has given him such a heart for Japan!

Then we traveled Narita to sleep and go to the airport today. It's been busy but it's been good! I can't believe that time has gone by this quickly. We have seen God move in powerful ways in the people of Japan and are continually amazed by his goodness. He is such a good God! Next post will be from Taiwan!

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