Thursday, December 27, 2012

Trip breakdown: Cambridge & Auckland, New Zealand part 2

July 9th-15th:

During the week, meals were provided for us by different families from the church. Some of them in the place we were staying (Capernray-a Bible college) and some in the homes. It was so much fun to be able to meet and fellowship with these families! Saturday afternoon we were able to do a little bit of sight seeing and went to Rotaura to see the hot springs with the youth Pastor, Dave Maugham. Because New Zealand is an island made from volcanoes, the warm sulfur underneath the surface occasionally will come through and make a muddy steamy mess. It smells like rotten eggs! There is this one place where two rivers come together, one being cold and the other hot, that you can swim in. The water is hot because of the sulfur and stuff under the earth heats it. It was so much fun to spend that evening there.

                                Capernray college                         Abi, Kirsti, & me at Rotaura
                                       The natural hot springs and the steamy, stinky water
                                     More natural hot springs......
                                  Hot springs and a lake near Rotaura......
    Josh & I became close friends this summer!                 It was cold taking off our clothes
                                                                                  so we could swim in our suits!
                          But the water was warm like a hot tub! We also brought candles so
                       we could see when it got dark

New Zealand is absolutely beautiful! We spent much of our car trips taking pictures through the windows and just breathing in the beautiful sights. We couldn't believe that it could be winter and still be so beautiful! There were many different types of trees, beautiful sunsets, amazing countrysides, lakes, waterfalls, and much more.

                          They have funky trees!                             Beautiful sunset!
                                        Sunset from the car                  Natural countryside
                                     Waterfall!!!!                              More sunset!
                            Countryside beauty!                         One evening the sky was all pink!

                          A gorgeous lake                                Beauty in the sky

Saturday evening we had a time of just relaxation and a crazy dance party mostly just relieving the built up stress from entertaining of 40+ kids all week. We also got to hang with Jordie & Livy, two of the other GLO camp teachers, that we connected with. We played some games with them and then got to do a little bit of worship while Jenna played piano and Jordie played guitar. It was a really fun time! New Zealand also has some funny signs and names for things that we couldn't resist taking a picture of. I also got to try the famous L&P drink, kinda like Sprite, and had more than my fill of delicious kiwis!

                                                    L&P is in their drink fountains!
We were slightly crazy at the end of the camp!               New Zealand money has a clear spot!
Sibling competition: Jenna&Kenon vs. Jordie&Livy                The kiwi bird
The guitar had my name in it!                                   Did I mention we were a little crazy?
We are way down under!!!!!                         They call a parking lot, a carpark
                            The trash can, aka, rubbish               And instead of yeild, it's giveway
They call candy, lollies                                   This starburst item wouldn't work in the USA!

Our final days in Cambridge, NZ included a Sunday morning service where the team improv worship danced during worship and then had a short dance performance. Dr. & Mrs. Kawase shared their testimonies and then were interviewed by the church on the theme of reconciliation.

                                       The church sanctuary and us dancing

On Monday we had to travel to Auckland so we would be able to catch our flight early the next morning. So Pastor Murray took us to a marina where the US keeps its boats, the beach, and an incredible underground sea world of New Zealand. We caught a flight early Tuesday morning to our next brief stop in Sydney, Australia!

                                      A beautiful Mauri arch in Auckland on the warf
                                                   The bridge that folded up!
                                More pictures of the warf and bridge
                              Auckland, New Zealand                 The road said, "look left, look right,
                                                                                   look left, look right...." It didn't help. =)
                                       A long pier to the boats             The famous needle point in the
                                                                                       Auckland skyline
                           Abi & I at the was cold!            Even though we all came at
                                                                                     different times, we all had this same photo!
                                            Penguins!                               Long seahorses
                                   Sting ray                                          Pretty, bright fish! 
                                                                 Abi & me as penguins =)

Up next is Sydney, Australia and San Fransisco! =)

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