Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Introducing......AMAZING PEOPLE!!!!!

Hello All!

Praise report:
The countdown has begun! We leave in 27 days! =) So excited.

Praise report and prayer request:
I am still in need of funding. As I am about 75% funded I still need about $1,300. Please join with me in prayer for the remaining money to come in. I have been trying to earn money but being a full time student has been harder than I expected. Thank you for praying for this!!!! If you know of anyone who has a heart for taking the gospel to Asia or ministering through the arts and might want to partner with me, I would love to have their contact information from you. Thank you!

I thought it would be fun to lay out for you a little bit of our itinerary with all the scheduled performances and dance workshops we have planned for this summer to give you a general idea of what will be happening. And to introduce my team to you!

The Kawase family is a group of eight of some of my favorite people! Dr. and Mrs. Kawase are like my uncle and aunt, welcoming me into their home as I spend much time there with their children. Whenever I am with them, I feel like one of their own children. They bring life and refreshing to me each time I am with them. They are such a blessing to me.

Jenna (23) is the oldest Kawase kid and is studying hard at Kansas University Medical School to be a doctor. Her plans are to take her medical work to the mission field as well as raise a family one day. Jenna always makes everyone feel at home. She has a gift of being able to discern how others are doing and encourage their hearts.

Kenon (21) is studying to be a mechanical engineer. Anything that is broken or needs fixing, we always take to him! He always makes us laugh too. If something is funny, Kenon will find it! He also is very protective of all of us sisters and is always there to step in as the older brother if needed.

Kirsti (19) is studying hard gaining her degree in International Business. She hopes to be a missionary too one day. She and I have sat around many times plotting how we can serve together. She is such a joy and delight to be around. Kirsti also loves little babies and toddlers. She has a gift for being able to raise up the coming generation.

Abi (17) has just finished her CollegePlus! degree earning her Bachelors in Liberal Arts at the same time as finishing high school. She also graduated from Dramatic Truth this spring with Kenon. Her choreography is amazing! Abi also has been given a gift with words. Attaining wisdom from her times in the word, her words have a power and depth that continue to blow me away.

Josh (15 in a few weeks) is the youngest Kawase and full of life and spunk. He is always making us laugh. He has such a compassionate heart and is very good about making everyone feel at home, comfortable, and like we fit in. He diligently applies himself to everything before him and is a role model to those around him.

Grandma Kawase is the sweetest lady I know. She welcomes everyone into her home all the time. She makes the most wonderful food and is always trying to get us to eat more. Her sweet devotion to Jesus touches me every time I see her.

All of them love worshiping God through dance and using this tool to present the gospel to others. This family provokes me to spend time with Jesus and pursue him harder.

Dacia (20) is a intern that has been staying with the Kawases for the last 15 months. Sometimes I forget she isn't a Kawase! Her family lives in Kakegawa, Japan serving as missionaries for 3 generations. Her parents run a christian school and host church in their home. They have a total of 13 amazing children. Dacia is here studying with CollegePlus! as well as dancing at Dramatic Truth. I love this girl! We will be spending time with her family in Japan, hosting a dance workshop, performance, and getting to go to Tohoku (an area affected by the explosion of the nuclear reaction plant from the earthquake in Mar-2011) to do relief work. She will be ministering with us while we are in her home, but then will stay behind to see more of her family this summer. She will also be ministering with the a dance team in Japan (from a church they are close to). We are excited for her!

Natalie (23) has graduated from Park University with a degree in Interior design. She is so creative. She is also really good at hip hop and has choreographed several of the pieces we are taking with us this year. Natalie is a blessing to me and I feel like I gained an older sister knowing her. She is always serving and loving on those around her. While we are in Japan, she will be ministering to the churches in Kure and Hiroshima and then join us again when we leave to go to Taiwan and New Zealand. She has spent several months in previous years ministering with these churches and has a real heart for the Brazilian Japanese people. 

That is my awesome team! =) I am so blessed to be able to minister with these people!!! Dr. Kawase will be leading our team. Please pray for him to be able to have clarity on what to say yes to and what to say no to for our ministry opportunities. We are so thankful for him! All of our workshop and performance connections come through their years of serving the Lord and ministering to these countries. While we are in Taiwan we will be ministering with the Living Waters Church and helping lead the Shine conference. The Shine conference is a gathering of young adults (13-25) who want to learn more of God and who want to live fascinated with him. It is a lot like the OneThing conference IHOP-KC hosts each New Years. There are about 1500 kids that will come, over half not even saved yet. This is a huge outreach/evangelism time! The GLO conference in New Zealand is similar to the Shine conference. We will spend one week with a group of kids doing dance workshops, performances, and teaching them about the love of Jesus. Here is a little of our itinerary.

June 11: Leaving Kansas City, flying through Houston, TX, and arriving in Tokyo, Japan
June 12: Arrive in Tokyo, Japan---visit with some of the Kawase's relatives; perform in a coffee shop
June 13: Dance workshop and visit with other relatives
June 14: Possible small dance performance in the morning, lunch with friends, and travel to Kakegawa (this is Dacia's home!!!)
June 15: Dance camp in morning and afternoon; full performance in the evening
June 16: Dr. & Mrs. Kawase meet with several families; dance workshop
June 17: Dr. Kawase preach; spend time with Bostrom Family and prepare food for Tohoku outreach
June 18: Relief work in Tohoku; possibly perform for those receiving care
June 19: Travel to Kure; hang out with kids from the christian high school; dance workshop
June 20: Performance in high school; dance workshop
June 21: Meet with a church in Kure; travel to Hiroshima; dance workshop
June 22: Ministry with another church; dance workshop
June 23: Performance in Kure; Dr. & Mrs. Kawase speak on marriage and family; dance workshop
June 24: Afternoon performance; dance special in church
June 25: Travel to Tokyo; meet with some families
June 26: Travel to Tainan, Taiwan
June 27-July 3: Stay in Taiwan; work with Living Waters Church doing dance workshops/performances and preparing for Shine conference, help keep the fire burning in their prayer room
July 3-July 6-Shine conference-Dance workshops each morning, performances each evening, help give leadership to conference
July 7: Meet with Elaine (a friend who used to live in KC with the Kawases and used to dance at Dramatic Truth); possible performance; leave Taipei, Taiwan for Auckland, New Zealand
July 8: Travel through Korea
July 9: Arrive in Auckland, New Zealand; travel to Cambridge, prepare for GLO conference
July 10-July 13: GLO conference-dance workshops in morning, performances in the evenings, give leadership to conference
July 14: Performance for community; dance workshop
July 15: Minister to families and church, possible small performance in church
July 16: Travel to Auckland
July 17: Fly to KC via Sydney, Australia

This is just a little of what we will be doing. I'll keep you updated! Please also pray for May 13th and 28th-30th. These are the only days all of us are able to rehearse our dances for our full (1 hour) performance and smaller performances. Pray for clarity and quick memories!

Pray for finances. I know that my Father will provide because He is good!

Please make all checks payable to RiverStone Church and send them to 2005 Stilesboro Road, Kennesaw GA 30152. Please attach a sticky note with your preference of "Ashton Price-Japan/Taiwan/NewZealand mission trip" on it. Thank you!!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Our Posters for our Trips!!!! =) This one we will use in Taiwan and New Zealand:

And this one we will use in Japan:

Thank you Mrs. Kawase!!! They look amazing! =)

More info on the trip coming soon.....