2012 has everyone thinking of the new year. What is God's will for my life in 2012? For some that may be buisness/marketplace jobs. For some that may be motherhood and raising Godly children. For some that may be ministry. What does God have for me?
That question seems most evidently answered by IHOPU, the local Bible university I am attending. Beginning my second semester, I'm looking forward for the sneak attacks God has planned to get my heart to open up to Him more. But what about the summer? The time when I don't have school and it is beautiful weather. What do I do then?
I have felt like God has called me to be a full time missionary to Asia. I'm not exactly sure on the exact location, but as God prepares me to make those changes, I find my heart drawing closer to the culture. I love the Asian people. I love to be near them. I love to hear them speak in their native tongues. I love their cultural dances. I love their personalities and cultural quirks. I love their food. I love their native clothing.
This summer I feel like God has begun to open the door and invite me into another season of partnering with His heart for me and for them. I am returning to the wonderful countries of Japan, Taiwan, and adding a new country, New Zealand, with the Kawase family plus a few others this summer. God has really been making it evident this is what I am supposed to do.
As I was praying about this trip and about the ministries we will be partnering with, I was contemplating what God was wanting to speak through us. The verse from Isaiah 52:7 came to mind. It says, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Now, if you have ever seen dancer feet, you know that they are anything but beautiful. The hard work and perseverance is evident in the scars, blisters, floor burns, callouses, rips, tears, missing toenails, bruises, etc. But yet God says they are beautiful if they are serving his purpose and causing the greatest amount glory and testimony of his goodness to be made known!
Jesus even washed un-beautiful feet when he washed the disciples dirty sandaled feet. He showed true love by humbling himself to that of a servant and washing the dirty, streaked, mud-caked feet of his disciples. Love expressed itself in humility.
So how do your feet look? Sandaled feet or barefoot? Sneakers or flip flops? Slippers or dress shoes? Feet on the move or feet immobile? Feet creating our own foot prints or feet following God's footprints? Whatever you do, do for the glory of God. Ask God what his plans for you this year are and go wholeheartedly for what God has called you to. Trust Him completely. Jesus is enough. He is sovereign. He loves to speak to us.
1 Peter 4:11 "If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever."